Hall of Fame Inductees » Andrew N. Hopkins

Andrew N. Hopkins

 Graduate of Wheelersburg Hiqh School. Taught and coached at Wheelersburg Hiqh School during the 1950's. Served as the first manager of Tan land Pool 1959-60. While a student at W.H.S. Andy played football, basketball, baseball and played trumpet in the band. Community Activities and/or Organizations (name of activities, offices held, etc.) Helped organize and build the first Wheelersburg Football Field in the early 1950's. Active in all aspects of the educational program
Extracurricular activities of Wheelersburq Schools and Community 1950-1960.
Helped organize the first Athletic Directors Organization Meals on Wheels for Lexington. Kentucky. Awarded Citizenship Award 1966 by the Civitan Club of Lexington. Kentucky.

Andy was very successful as a football, track, baseball and junior high basketball coach, but his greatest success came in the young men and women who were fortunate to have Coach Hopkins as a teacher and friend. Coach Hopkins never forgot his students after they graduated. He was always checking on his students and athletics. He spent many hours taking students at his own expense to visit colleges and universities in the tri-state area, trying to motivate us to advance our education.

Andy believes that the most fulfilling event of his career was the building of the football field while he was coaching at Wheelersburg High School. The Wheelersburg Booster Club, consisting of such men as Gene Bennett, Charles Mullins, Harry Matheny, Bob Glass, AI Boyer, Tom and John Decamp, Harold Mullins, Lawson Adkins, Charles Bond, D. Jackson and many others who gave of their money, equipment and hours of volunteer time.

See the attached article that Mr. Hopkins wrote for the Kentucky Athletic Program Supporters Newsletter.

Awards and Special Honors:
Southern Ohio Conference Coach of the Year 1956-Football
Ohio Valley High School Athletic Conference Coach of the Year-Baseball 1957 Central Kentucky Conference-Coach of the year-Football 1962
District I I Champions-Region I I Champions 1966
Central Kentucky Conference Best Coach in Kentucky 1966 Courier Journal All State Board Football Coach of the year 1966
Went to Russia and Spain with a Kentucky All-Star Basketball Team 1976
National Council of Secondary School Athletic Directors award as Athletic Director of the year 1977-78 American Association of Health Physical Education Health selected Andy Hopkins as one of the Six Outstanding Athletic Directors in the United States 1978
Kentucky High School Athletic Directors- Athletic Director of the Year 1978
National High School Athletic Coaches Association-Distinguished Service Award 1984 Selected as an Honorary Head Coach for the Kentucky-Tennessee All Star Football Game

Transylvania University B.A. Degree 1949 University of Kentucky Rank I
Extra classes trom Indiana University and Ohio State University.

Military Service:
Sergeant U.S. Army Armored Division in Europe and United States 1940-1945

Married Anna Lee Coop: Children Cheryl, Gail, and Andrea.

Interest hobbies:
Travel, reading and golf